Intermediate Novice Sweep (INR)
Capital’s INR program provides an additional level of knowledge and skill for novice rowers who have recently completed Capital’s Learn to Row program or a similar program elsewhere.
Capital’s INR program provides an additional level of knowledge and skill for novice rowers who have recently completed Capital’s Learn to Row program or a similar program elsewhere. The program is designed to allow novice rowers to gain experience in shells as rowers and coxswains with more experienced novices who may have graduated from a prior learn to row program. Capital Learn to Row graduates should generally expect to stay in the INR program one year (two on-the-water seasons). In exceptional circumstances, coaches may encourage certain rowers that have developed the skills and confidence to row and cox at the next level to move on to a club program, in consultation with that program's coaches.
Improve basic rowing technique, building on novice class work
Introduction to more advanced rowing concepts
Improve strength and conditioning
Introduction to coxing
Understanding of basic rigging
Capital Rowing Club is a volunteer-run organization, and members are expected to volunteer at least six (6) hours each season. Opportunities can be found in the Volunteer section.
Practice Schedule
Morning INR
Tuesday & Thursday 5:30am-7:00am
Saturday 9:00am-11:00am
Evening INR
Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-11:00am
See current Season at a Glance for more information on dates, times, registration, and fees.
There is no attendance requirement for the INR program, however, athletes are encouraged to practice consistently to continue to develop technique, skills, and fitness.
Novice rowers are welcomed and encouraged to participate in regattas.